Roland Pinker
Roland Pinker At the age of 4, he came into the world of music through his father's art. His first violin lesson was with Riview Bogdan at the age of 5. With the passage of time, he in different orchestras participated in many performances such as "East Wurttemburg young Orchestra" "Allen Symphony" and "green Tu - Rumsfeld young Orchestra glaab" etc.. Followed by the symphony orchestra to the international concert tour. From 2007 to 2009 he was a private student of the famous musician Yuriu Beltok. From 2009 to 2012, Kim Leono Hermann and Professor Alexander Balta were taught to play the violin in the school of music at the school of music at the school of music at the Academy of music at the University of the Chinese Academy of Arts and crafts, which was held at the Academy of music at the. Awarded the Baden State College ochsenhausen young violinist".