
Enhance mutual understanding and exchanges; persistently conduct cultural and art exchanges as well as economic and academic exchanges in China and Europe; explore cooperative potential between enterprises in China and Europe; help enterprises in China and Europe to exploit market and to import investments, products, techniques and talents; drive benign interactions between enterprises and government; play its role as a bridge of direct exchanges and cooperation for enterprises in Chinese and European countries; and make contributions to the overall development of cultural and economic relations between countries in China and Europe.

Operation Scopes

1.Cultural exchange, international sports forum, import and export trade consultation, educational training services, organization of registered company in German, organization of investigations in cultural enterprises in China and Europe, services for establishment of Sino-Europe amicable cities, translation services, legal consultation and financial consultation services.

2.Organize membership enterprises and other enterprises located at the same place with the Promotion Association to establish project libraries that plays as a platform for exchanges and cooperation.

3.Establish relationship with government, embassy of China in European countries, embassy of European countries in China and commercial organizations of cultural department, China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, Associations of cultural industry, chamber of commerce and enterprises relevant to China and Europe; timely provide membership enterprises and other units with newest information and consultation services about trade, investment and economic and technical cooperation; take advantage of policy-type support to small and middle-sized enterprises of Chinese and European governments to promote the cooperation between small and middle-sized enterprises in China and European countries.

4.Help China’s enterprises to explore European market; hold activities, including Asian Cultural Festival in Europe and China, exhibitions, fairs and dialogues between enterprises and government; play an assistant role in solving disputes and problems emerged in the cooperation between China’ enterprises and European enterprises.

5.Hold and organize various forums, seminars, fairs and invite Chinese and European government officers, well-known experts, scholars and leaders in business circles to give lectures; provide membership enterprises and other units with the newest information about European economic development, enterprise management, international trade and investment. Organize Chinese entrepreneurs and managers to Europe to partake in training to have an understanding of regulations and rules in countries in Europe and EU, of trade and environment environment and of operation and development strategies of famous enterprises; investigate in the state of relevant industry and enterprises in Europe and study advanced management experiences in European enterprises to seek for suitable cooperation opportunities.

Articles of German Cultural and Economic Promotion Association

一、Name of Location of the Promotion Association

1. The name of the Association is German Cultural and Economic Promotion Association. It aims at promoting the development international culture and economy. It is located at Schnepfenweg.85 80995-munchen Germany.

2. The Association is registered and established after the approval of Court of Germany.
二、Purposes and Tasks

1.The Association never pursues personal gains or economic interests. We only uses capitals according to the goal set by this Article. Members of the Association will not gain donations from our capitals as well. We will never protect people who use capitals or seek extravagant profits in the ways against our tenets.

2.The Association aims at promoting the development of culture and economy.

3.The goals of this Article will be realized by following means:

a. Promote cultural, economic and academic exchanges between German and other countries in the world, conduct exchanges between government of countries and establish friendly twin cities, playing its role as a bridge of exchanges of international culture and economy.

b. Cultural and art talents, economic experts and scholars that have made contributions to protect spiritual and material supports.

c. To improve the quality of culture, art and sports, organize various Cultural exchange, large-scale concert and sports activities as well as competitions etc.

d. Award scholarships to young talents, innovative entrepreneurs, artists and outstanding athletes.

4. Capital sources: membership dues, donations and activity funds.
三、Operation Time
The beginning and end of common calendar years is the beginning and end of the operation time of the Association.
四、Members, Dues and Duties

1.Members of the the Association can be classified into fellow members, honorary members and affiliate members, of which only fellow members have rights to vote or be voted.
Honorary members and affiliate members have no right to vote, but they have to right to attend general assembly.
Members of the Association can be natural person or legal person. Juveniles needs to get written consent from their legal guardians, if they want to be members of the Association.

2.The admit of members should be passed by majority in Board of Directors and written application should be submitted.

3. End of Membership:

a.Members who need end membership should declare to withdraw the membership in written form before October of every year;

b.Death of a member;

c. Dismissed from the Association due to crucial reasons.

4.Members will be dismissed due to following causes:

a. Members intentionally violate tenets and interests of the Association;

b. Behaviors of members bring disgrace to the fame or reputation of the Association;

c. Against articles or decisions of the Association;

d. Default membership fees for over 6 months without reasons; the dismissal of members passes by majority in meetings of Board of Directors.

5.Members whose memberships have been withdrew or dismisses will not be entitled to enjoy any right of the Association.

6.To finish target tasks, the Association will charge some membership dues. However, the membership due will be decided by general assembly.
五、Organs of Authority
Organs of the Association include:

1.General assembly

2.Board of Directors
六、 General Assembly

1.General assembly will be held at least once a year and agendas will be released on invitation letters.

2.Agendas of general assembly should at least cover:

a. Yearly report of Board of Directors;

b. Approve business activities of Board of Directors;

c. Planning scheme in the next year;

d. Other matters.

3. if necessary, Chairman of the Association has the right to hold special assembly.

4. Board of Directors or over 25% of members is able to require to hold special assembly after the submission of written report.

5.General assembly has the right to make various decisions and these decisions will be effective if passes by majority. It is necessary for articles of the Association that need to be changed to be passed by majority among members with the right to vote.

6.Proposals about holding general assembly should be submitted to Chairman in written form at least a month before general assembly.

7.General assembly is held by Chairman. If Chairman cannot attend the assembly due to some reasons, it will be held by secretary general.

8.it is necessary for secretary general to submit minutes of every general assembly that have been signed by host of the assembly.
七、Board of Directors
1. Board of Directors will be changes once per three years. Directors are elected through general assembly.