Professor Mu Yilin
Mu Yilin Yi Lin, pseudonym heshaobai, Professor, member of Chinese artists association. Born in Shanghai in 1944, studied in Shanghai fine arts college in 1960, graduated from college in 1966. The director of the art department served as associate professor of Shanghai Univer, Shanghai Institute of Oriental culture, director of the Shanghai Academy of film arts exhibition and exhibition design center, the Shanghai municipal government experts, researchers China Management Science Research Institute, Shanghai Academy of film arts discipline leader. Chinese painting works many exhibitors at home and abroad and the national art exhibition, art exhibition, 1979 and luyanshao works and won the first prize of Shanghai art exhibition, the same year by the ACFTU outstanding creative award, in 1984 won the National Exhibition prize two, outstanding creative award, in 1992 by the Ministry of culture China International Exhibition Award, 1999 second national Chinese flower exhibition outstanding creative award. Many went to Japan and the United States, Canada held personal exhibitions of works by many domestic and foreign collectors collection, by Chinese Artists Association, Shanghai Artists Association, government agencies and museums and art galleries and five star hotel collection on display works of "painting" China Yanshan Guanbao by China as a national gift to the president of Yugoslavia. The publication of "Mu Yilin album", "Mu Yilin" featured modern paintings. Since 1983, the inheritance and Research on ancient silk painting silently to China, explore and utilize the excellent properties of silk, creating a unique modern silk painting art, as Chinese paintings in modern international painting has become an independent school to make lifelong contribution.
Participate in the 40 anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Germany large-scale exhibition